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Product Detailed Specification

Tungsten screws are small metal parts used for weight distribution. Tungsten screws can generally be used for golf clubs, game mouse and other counterweights.

Grade: W1, W2

Purity: ≥99.95%

Specification: according to customer requirements

Density: 19.35g/cm3

Melting point: 3410 ℃

Applicable environment and applicable temperature:Under vacuum or inert gas protection, within 2300 ℃

Surface classification: 1) hot rolling alkaline wash  2) polished surface


1.  High melting point

2. Extremely low vapor pressure

3. High temperature physical strength

4. Creep resistance

5. High elastic modulus

6. Extremely low coefficient of thermal expansion

7. Excellent conductivity

8. Excellent thermal conductivity

9. Selective erosion resistance

Prev :Tungsten Wire

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